All Breed Database (2025)

1. Horse Pedigree and Competitions Database | SporthorseData

  • Here you can browse or search the database. You will find the pedigree, siblings, competition level achieved, life numbers, family numbers details of progeny.

  • Advanced Search Test Mating Competition Results

2. All Breed Pedigree Database Updated with tons of new features

  • Sep 23, 2023 · This database has been a go to for checking out breeding, progeny etc. They just updated it with many more features which includes ...

  • All Breed Pedigree Database Updated with tons of new features

3. Is all breed pedigree data base correct ? | Horse and Hound Forum

4. AQHA Records Research

  • Search who owns an American Quarter Horse, pedigree and performance records, produce of dam, get of sire and more. See pricing and free AQHA ...

  • Search who owns an American Quarter Horse, pedigree and performance records, produce of dam, get of sire and more. See pricing and free AQHA record options.

5. Dog Breeds - Types Of Dogs - American Kennel Club

  • Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. AKC actively advocates for ...

  • Complete list of AKC recognized dog breeds. Includes personality, history, health, nutrition, grooming, pictures, videos and AKC breed standard.

6. Horses [Starstable Database]

7. All Breed Pedigree Query

  • All Breed Pedigree Database containing more than 1 million horses from all breeds. Get pedigrees reports and a free five generation pedigree chart.

8. AQHA Home - AQHA

  • Official breed registry and membership association for the American Quarter Horse ... ALL AMERICAN. back; ALL AMERICAN; ALL AMERICAN FUTURITY. ...

  • Official breed registry and membership association for the American Quarter Horse.

9. Breeds in SSO - Horses of Jorvik - Star Stable

  • Jorvik is home to all manner of horse breeds, both domesticated and wild. The Island of Jorvik is known for its natural wonders, and as a haven for horses and ...

  • Are there horses in Star Stable Online? Oh YES. Join us in our passion for pixel horses with personality and speed in this exciting horse game.

Breeds in SSO - Horses of Jorvik - Star Stable

10. Pedigree Search - ADGA Genetics

  • Registration Trends by Breed · Registration Trends - All. Scroll up. Scroll down. Name Starts With, Name Contains, Registration #, Polled. Breed: All, AM, BR ...

  • ADGA Genetics &nbsp

11. Breeding - Weatherbys

  • ... all Thoroughbreds, ensuring the utmost levels of integrity to preserve the breed. ... We have the largest online racing and breeding database in Europe ...

12. Welcome to HorseTelex | HorseTelex

  • The ESI Elite Foal Auction 2024 presents a first-class selection of foals bred specifically for show jumping. ... database with all information about pedigrees ...

  • The ESI Elite Foal Auction 2024 presents a first-class selection of foals bred specifically for show jumping. This year's collection includes 49 outstanding foals that will be auctioned off at Zuchthof Klatte in Lastrup during the CSI Klein Roscharden on 30 August 2024. The ESI Auction is an important event for breeders, riders and equestrian sport enthusiasts who are looking for promising young talents for show jumping.

13. Breeds A to Z | The Kennel Club

  • Browse our full list of Kennel Club recognised pedigree breeds. Use the filters to find a breed best suited to you ... All dogs shed their hair, but ...

  • Browse our full list of Kennel Club recognised pedigree breeds. Use the filters to find a breed best suited to you.

All Breed Database (2025)


How do I look up a horse's pedigree? ›

Pedigrees for Thoroughbreds as well as many other horses can be found at , though care should be taken to verify all pedigrees. Like the well-known Wikipedia website, allows users to input data, which may or may not be precise.

How do I find out what breed my horse is? ›

Another way to determine what breed of horse you own would be to look at its pedigree. If your horse is registered with a breed organization, it should have a set of registration papers with an abbreviated pedigree on file. If your horse is not registered with a specific breed organization, this becomes more difficult.

What is a pedigree chart for horses? ›

Pedigree refers to a horse's family tree, with its paternal ancestors- sire/father – on the top, and its maternal ancestors – dam/mother – on the bottom. A horse's pedigree provides insight into its potential ability and value as well as what type of racing your horse will be most suited to.

How do I look up an AQHA horse pedigree? ›

How do I look up AQHA records and pedigrees?
  1. Free Records.
  2. Step 1: Go to ...
  3. Step 2: Click Free Records.
  4. Step 3: Select a record type from the dropdown.
  5. Step 4: Search by horse registration number or name. ...
  6. Step 5: Type in your email address. ...
  7. Premium AQHA Records.

How can I trace my horse's history? ›

There are also several online resources such as the Horse & Pony Database that allow members to upload and trace their horse's family history. Even just establishing the full name of your horse is invaluable as most UK studs and breeders have a registered prefix which is added to horses they've bred.

Can you look up a pedigree? ›

All online research pedigrees are viewed on the web and are available for any AKC-registered dog, 24 hours a day. An online research pedigree includes complete information about dogs in the pedigree, including competition titles and any related health information available (i.e., OFA).

Can a DNA test tell me what breed my horse is? ›

These clusters often align with traditional breed labels or clusters, showing a correlation between DNA and established breed classifications. It is important to note that this is not a test to determine your horse's breed.

What is a rare horse breed? ›

Akhal-Teke Horse

One of the oldest breeds to still exist, the Akhal-Teke came from Turkmenistan and is revered in the country to this day. It was back in 1881 that Akhal-Teke breeding farms became official, but their numbers dwindled when the demand for the equine decreased, as well.

What is the pure horse breed? ›

A pure breed of horse is one that has a breed registry that is 'closed'. That is, no addition of genetic material from other breeds is tolerated. All individuals recognized to belong in the breed, are foals of mares and stallions in the breed registry. The breed with the oldest known closed registry is the Arabian.

Is the sire or dam more important? ›

So a great sire can't compensate for a poor dam, but a great dam can produce a great performer with a poor quality sire. Aha! Just as that long-time dog breeder has always said, the dam is more important than the sire in your breeding program, and here finally are the data to prove it. In racehorses, yes.

What are the 3 horse categories for breeds? ›

Horse breeds are loosely divided into three categories based on general temperament: spirited "hot bloods" with speed and endurance; "cold bloods," such as draft horses and some ponies, suitable for slow, heavy work; and "warmbloods," developed from crosses between hot bloods and cold bloods, often focusing on creating ...

What does black type pedigree mean in horses? ›

A horse's name printed in bold-faced “black type” letters designates that the horse has won or placed in a stakes race. Horses that win or place in an official AQHA-approved stakes race earn black type on their pedigree. (

How do you know what breed a horse is? ›

Brands: A hot or cold (freeze mark) brand may be found in various areas but is most commonly found on the hip or neck. Some brands are for breed or farm identification; others use numbers or symbols unique to each horse.

How to check the pedigree of a horse? ›

A veterinarian or animal shelter often can assist with this. With the microchip information, you might be able to find the horse's previous owner or breeder. Furthermore, in some cases, DNA testing can help identify the horse's sire and dam. This can be key information in recovering the horse's pedigree.

How to find who owns a horse? ›

If your horse raced, you can find the owner/trainer at the time of the horse's last race using the Horse Search feature at and looking at the most recent chart or by ordering race records at You can view sample reports before you order, and sign up is free.

How do I find out who owns a horse? ›

If your horse raced, you can find the owner/trainer at the time of the horse's last race using the Horse Search feature at and looking at the most recent chart or by ordering race records at You can view sample reports before you order, and sign up is free.

How do I look up a horse show record? ›

How do I obtain my horse's competition record? Sign in to your USEF Account and navigate to your horse's page. Click on the "Details & Results" tile then "Horse Report" at the top of the page. You can also Search Horses then click on "Horse Report" to pull up the horse's full competition report.

Can you look up a horse by microchip number? ›

The Equine Microchip Lookup Tool™™ is a universal search engine. The EMLT™ will search all member databases for a match to the entered equine microchip number. If the chip is not found in a member database, the manufacturer of the chip will display so that you can contact them for more information about the horse.

How do you find a pedigree chart? ›

How To Read a Pedigree Chart? First of all, determine whether the condition is recessive or dominant. If the trait is dominant, the trait must be one of the parents'. If the phenotype is recessive, because they may be heterozygous, no parent is expected to have the phenotype.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.